Surface characterization of gear teeth by means of lateral scanning white light interferometry (LSWLI)

In order to comply with climate protection targets, the trend in industry is developing toward resource conservation and energy saving. In the case of gears, this trend can be implemented through constructive lightweight design, but also through optimization of the tooth flank surface. In the field of automotive transmissions, it has already been shown that the transmissible torque of a transmission can be significantly increased by tooth flanks with reduced roughness. Within the scope of a research project, therefore, the surface qualities of the flanks of lightweight gears are to be characterized, among other things.

The aim of this work is to set up an optical measurement system in the form of a laterally scanning white-light interferometer for initial test measurements on gears. For the evaluation of the measured data, the algorithms for LSWLI, which have already been developed in principle at BIMAQ, are to be adapted accordingly. Finally, the measurements performed are to be analyzed in comparison to tactilely recorded measurement data with regard to measurement deviations and achievable measurement uncertainties.

Your profile:

- Interest in practical work and measurement technology
- Good technical understanding
- Independent way of working

Contact Details

Axel von Freyberg
Phone:+49 (0)421 218 646 10