Doctoral Researcher/PhD candidate (f/m/d) in the research field Indirect optical geometry measurements with fluorescent particles.

The Bremen Institute for Metrology, Automation and Quality Science in the department of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen offers – under the condition of job release – a position for one

Doctoral Researcher/PhD candidate (f/m/d) (German federal salary scale E13 TV-L, 100%)

in the research field

Indirect optical geometry measurements with fluorescent particles.

The position is with a duration of three years and aims at obtaining a doctorate degree. The employment is fixed-term and governed by the Act of Academic Fixed-Term Contract, §2 I (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz – WissZeitVG). Therefore, candidates may only be considered for appointment if they still have the respective qualification periods available in accordance with § 2 (1) WissZeitVG.

Your tasks:

  • Develop a measurement model for a scanning confocal measurement setup with the excitation and detection of fluorescent microparticles
  • Information-theoretical and physical studies on the minimal achievable measurement uncertainty due to particle kinematics and quantum limits
  • Maximize the accuracy and the precision of the measurement system by identifying influencing quantities
  • Identify and make use of uncertainty principles to flexibly adjust the spatiotemporal resolution according to the measurement task (speed vs. precision)
  • Accelerate the measuring speed to enable measurements on large scale objects
  • Publication of the research results in international journals and at international conferences.

Your profile:

  • Superior MSc degree in electrical eng., mechatronics, physics or a related discipline
  • Experience on statistical data evaluation, stochastics and optical measurements
  • Programming skills e.g. with Python, MatLab or LabView for the stochastical analysis, uncertainty evaluations and further data analysis desirable
  • Proficient English language skills - written and spoken, demonstrated skills in scientific writing (e.g. thesis, paper)
  • Independent and goal-oriented way of working, high level of commitment and enjoying the work in a team.

We offer:

  • An interdisciplinary, dynamic and family-friendly team
  • Highly topical and socially significant research activities in a scientifically highly respected funding program of the EU – a unique opportunity for your career!
  • Excellent facilities and the opportunity to shape your own research
  • Opportunity to produce high-quality publications
  • Collaboration and scientific exchange with national and international experts.

The University of Bremen follows a diversity strategy. It strives to increase the number of women in the academy and strongly encourages applications from female candidates. Special support is offered to parents, among other things, through childcare. You can find more details here:

International applications and applications from candidates with a migration background are explicitly welcome. Severely disabled applicants will be given priority if their professional and personal qualifications are essentially the same.

Please send your application, including a letter of motivation (outlining your interest in the project and how the selection criteria listed under “Your profile” are met), CV, copies of scientific degree certificates with grades, publication list if applicable, synopsis of MSc thesis (one page), and contact details for referees with the reference number A132/22 by July 18th, 2022 to

BIMAQ – Bremer Institut für Messtechnik, Automatisierung und Qualitätswissenschaft
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. A. Fischer

Linzer Str. 13
28357 Bremen

Please submit only copies and no portfolios with original documents, as we cannot return them. Alternatively and preferably, you can send your application documents in electronic form as ONE PDF- file (incl. the cover letter, max. 10 MB) to .

Additional information on the InOGeM research project:

Optical techniques allow fast and precise geometry measurements, but only if sufficient light energy is reflected from the object’s surface to the photo detection unit. For this reason, specific measurement approaches for each surface type had to be developed such as deflectometry for highly reflective surfaces.

To provide one single measurement approach applicable to any surface and with the potential of sub-micrometre resolution, InOGeM will initiate a paradigm shift: instead of measuring the object’s surface, the geometry of the surrounding gas is measured. The surrounding gas is detected optically by using tiny, well-controlled, fluorescent particles or molecules, a confocal microscope and a model-based signal processing, which enables sub-micrometre resolution. This will break new grounds for assessing e. g. additively manufactured parts and lightweight components made of fibre-reinforced composites, because the indirect measurement is less sensitive regarding the varying optical properties of the measurement object’s surface and material. Furthermore, indirect optical geometry measurements are possible at strongly curved or translucent objects even through a limited access, which is currently considered impossible. Such challenging conditions occur e.g. for gears and additively manufactured parts, so that InOGeM has a large potential for low-noise gears (e-mobility) and fuel cells (hydrogen). As a result, fast geometry measurements with a today unachievable precision below classical limits are achieved in the nanometre range for a wide range of applications. By developing the framework of a new class of measuring instruments, InOGeM takes the field of optical geometry measurements to the next level.

Contact Details

Andreas Fischer
Phone:+49 (0)421 218 646 00

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